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Sports and Activity Related Foot Injuries

Professional athletes are familiar with Sports-Related Foot Injuries. Leading sporting teams and clubs  spend a lot of time, money and effort preventing, treating and rehabilitating Foot Injuries. Unfortunately you don’t need to be a professional athlete to sustain a nasty foot injury. In fact foot and ankle injuries regularly occur among athletes and physically active people across all levels of expertise and across all ages.

Recovery, with the correct management, can be complete and soon you will be back to your activity or sport. Some injuries, either because of the nature of the injury or incorrect management, can be devastating with no return to the activity – ever.

Simple Plan for Successful Sports Foot Health

Foot and Ankle Risk Assessment

Before you start a new activity or sport we recommend having a foot and ankle risk assessment. This will identify any underlying sensation, circulatory or structural  problems which may impact on your chosen activity.

Prevent a Foot and Ankle Injury

If you have any underlying problems you can then protect yourself from damage. Interventions may be strapping, orthotics, choosing appropriate footwear or boot, strength training,, or even choosing a completely different sport or activity.

Intervene Early

Ideally you will never have an injury but statistically you probably will. Most  injuries are due to  repetition, impact or denial. Denial of an injury is your biggest enemy.  Injuries don’t just go away on their own. If your do-it-yourself changes don’t work – seek help. You may need heat, cold, rest, immobilization, anti-inflammatory medication or even surgery. Seek a professional opinion, then make some decisions based on knowledge.


Rehabilitation is an under-utilized area. Programs that work towards restoring joint range of motion, muscle strength, coordination and leg/ankle/foot function have shown higher rates of successful return to sport or activity. Skin/nail restorative programs are also gaining traction. Almost better is not good enough.


Recurrent or chronic injuries are an indication that your protective, preventative, rehabilitative measure are not working. What has been overlooked? What do you need to modify? Do you have the right activity/sport for your body.

Common Sports-Related Foot Injuries

Best Sport for Zero Foot Injuries

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