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Get a Foot Health Check

A professional Foot Health Check can be done by a podiatrist or diabetes educator. It is a painless process. A comprehensive foot health check will consider a wide range of factors including structure and function of your feet. Lifestyle factors are also included in the Health Check. At the end of your foot check you will know if your feet have a LOW or HIGH risk of developing more serious issues. The level of risk will determine how much ongoing care should be undertaken. Your professional foot check does not replace your daily care routine

Low Risk

Professional Podiatrist checking Foot

Low risk feet have normal feeling and good blood flow, no areas of pressure and no structural anomalies. The risk profile can change, without visible symptoms, so a foot check interval of 1-2 years is recommended. This applies to people with or without diabetes

High Risk

High Risk feet may have reduced sensation, reduced blood flow, areas of pressure or structural anomalies. People who have already had a foot wound or amputation have a higher risk of future complications. If your feet are HIGH RISK your professional foot check interval may be 1, 3, or 6 monthly. It is especially important in the HIGH RISK group that you maintain your daily footcare routine. In some circumstances you may be transferred to the care of a specialist high risk foot clinic.

What is included in a Professional Foot Check?

There will be some differences between the professionals that conduct foot checks. However a Professional Foot Check is non-invasive, painless and will take 30-60 minutes. Ideally the following will be included:

  • General Health and Lifestyle QuestionsPodiatrist testing foot with monfilament
  • Circulation Tests
  • Sensation Tests
  • Foot Structure Evaluation
  • Skin and Nail Assessment and
  • Footwear Review

At the end of the Check you will know if you:

  •             Could make some lifestyle changes
  •             Need to have further tests
  •             Would benefit from seeing a different health professional
  •             Should revisit your footwear choices
  •             Have a LOW risk or HIGH risk of foot complications
  •             Can give yourself a pat on the back for FootCare done well.

Having a comprehensive foot health check is a great thing to do. The level of risk will determine how much ongoing care should be undertaken. Your professional foot check does not replace your daily care routine, but generally will enhance your confidence and understanding of your foot health