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How does Plantar Fasciitis happen?

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most debilitating foot conditions a person can deal with. It affects the ligament underneath the foot known as the “plantar fascia”.  When this ligament becomes injured in some way, whether it is stained, torn, or worn down from overuse, it becomes very swollen, tender, and painful to walk on. This condition is most common in middle aged people but it also frequently occurs in athletes who do a lot of running, standing, and walking. It commonly occurs in one foot or the other but it can also occur in both feet at the same time. Learn more about plantar fasciitis

While the main causes of plantar fasciitis are from overuse or injury to the plantar fascia, wearing improperly fitting footwear can also cause a normal person to develop plantar fasciitis. If you have feet that are naturally prone to developing plantar fasciitis because they are either flat, or have high arches, wearing proper footwear is absolutely critical to avoiding a case of the dreaded plantar fasciitis.

What can you wear to treat and prevent plantar fasciitis?

  1. Heel Cushions

A heel cushion is a soft cushion in the heel portion of a shoe that helps to provide extra shock absorbing support. It may also be called a heel lift. When both walking and running, a heel cushion helps to absorb the shock of the heel hitting the ground. Most heel pads are made out of material like leather, silicone, Plastizote, polyvinyl chloride, or thermoplastics.

Heel pads are helpful when used for treatment of conditions related to or very similar to plantar fasciitis, like plantar calcaneal bursitis, and plantar heel spur syndrome.  There are many different over-the-counter and custom made heel lifts available for shoes but it’s important to remember that the lift of the heel should be no more than a quarter of an inch off the ground, any more will cause an imbalance in your stride and could lead to injury.

  1. Arch Supports

For those who don’t have enough support provided to them naturally by the shape of their feet when they stand, arch supports can be a very effective way to mitigate the pain caused by plantar fasciitis. Even in non-orthopedic shoes, arch supports can be inserted to provide this relief.  When you shop around for arch supports, you will find that there is a massive variety of different kinds that are available, and you should discuss each option with an orthopedist before going ahead and trying it out. Because of the difference in feet between most people, some arch supports could not be the right shape for a certain type of foot, and could end up causing more harm than good.arch support

Another concern with arch supports is that they force the foot to basically stop using the plantar fascia, which in the short term is great for helping to heal a case of plantar fasciitis, but in the long term is bad because it stops the plantar fascia from being used and causes it to become weaker over time.

  1. Splints

One treatment for plantar fasciitis suffered by patients very early in the morning is a splint. A splint is not made to cam walkerbe worn all day like arch supports or heel cushions; instead they are made to be worn at night while the user is asleep. A splint for plantar fasciitis will help keep the foot extended all night while the user sleeps, reducing stress on the plantar fascia.  Again you should check with your doctor to determine what kind of splint might best suit your feet, as there are many different types. A camboot is one example.

Don’t ignore Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a terrible condition that affects many people across the world, up to 2 million every year in the US alone. For those suffering from the condition, rest and recuperation are not the only methods for recovery. If you want to help yourself recover as quickly as possible, you should consider using a heel support, an arch support, a splint, or some combination of the three.

While there are downsides to certain orthotics like arch supports, for recovery from plantar fasciitis they can work wonders in the short term. Try out one or more of the items in this article if you have plantar fasciitis, and you should be healed up sooner than you thought.