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Stop Smoking for your Toes

“I was 40 a day, first cigarette before breakfast, addicted smoker. As such, I have a very personal understanding of how difficult it is to give up smoking. As a Podiatrist I have seen the damage that smoking does to feet and the subsequent impact on life, lifestyle and families. Believe me, you don’t want to hear or see the details let alone have them happen to you. I encourage, implore and even beg you to find your way to quit smoking. It’s worth it and never too late. Good Luck” Rosemary Grenness FootWebStar Principle Podiatrist.

What does smoking do to the FeetFootprint bullet point

We hear a lot about what Smoking does to the Lungs and the blood vessels that supply the heart and brain. Damage is being done to all the blood vessels all around the body to a greater or lesser extent. Unfortunately for our feet, the blood vessels in our feet are among the narrowest and are definitely the most distance from our  heart. As a result, the risk of part or complete blockage of the smallest blood vessels in the feet are much higher for a smoker than a non-smoker. We often forget our feet let alone think about what keeps them alive, healthy and functional. Skin, bone, nail, hair, muscle, tendon and nerves all require a blood supply. Reduction and/or cessation of that blood supply can have negative effects including – pain, loss of fatty padding, muscle wasting, nail damage, hair loss wounds and devastatingly loss of toes and more. Smoking is not the only cause of foot damage but  stopping smoking is an integral part of an overall healthy foot lifestyle. The rest of your body will thank you too.

Tips for Quitting Smoking

Recognize the key reason or reasons why you want to quit, say them out loud. Write down your reasons and carry them in your wallet or send yourself a recurring email. Discover the reasons that are important to you – money, social, pregnancy, cough, kissing, dental implants, lifestyle renaissance ……” I wanted to buy a house – I did”

Choose a start date and stick to it. Sooner than later is always a good calendar month icon

Select a method. For example , countdown to cold turkey – 40 per day, 10, 5, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0, mega cold turkey – 40, 0, nicotine replacement therapy or use an App to support you.

Get support that fits with you. You may wish to stay private, work with your doctor or perhaps enlist your family, friends and colleagues – the supportive ones, not the toxic ones!

Plan for your Triggers. When do you reach for a cigarette? What alternate actions can you take? What places and events can you bypass? Jittery, unsettled and angry may happen so it’s a good idea to be ready with non-cigarette option – preferably not an out of control verbal or physical outburst!

Keep at it. Research shows that quitting success increases if you keep trying to quit.

Revisit your Key Reasons


4 Ds to stop smokingThe 4 D Craving stoppers

These classics may help you when a craving hits you

  • Double hug your chest – cross your both arms across your chest and squeeze tight until the craving passes
  • Deep breathe – and count. The craving will pass
  • Drink water – staying hydrated may help to flush smoking toxins out of your system
  • Distraction  – do something else – walk, sing, clean your teeth, ring a friend, check your emails, move a paper clip from your right hand pocket to your left hand pocket – something!

Support for Giving Up Smoking

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