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Walking – Always on TrendBaby Almost walking

Human movement has evolved into all manner of variations. Football, ballet, boot-scooting, hula hooping, tube skateboarding. Often with accessories – bats, balls, shin guards. But one marvel of engineering had persisted from Neanderthal to Millennial. Human Walking.

Baby Walking

Watching a baby move through the developmental milestones of rolling, sitting, crawling is wondrous. Frustration, falls and failure, until at last the musculo-skeletal system and the brain / balance complex come together and the independence of movement begins.

Toddler  Walking

Children are not just little adults. The way that Toddlers stand with feet and arms wide apart , moving one leg forward, then the other, steadying as they go with their arms. The feet will appear to be as flat as a pancake at this stage. Gradually the musculature remembers and strengthens. The feet move closer together, the arms lower , confidence and speed increases.The fat pad in the arch of the foot slowly dissipates. Inevitably there are falls, crashes and tears. But persistence is hard wired.

By Age 6

The basics of walking are usually well in place by Age 6

Early Teens

Periods of rapid growth occur in the long bones of the lower limbs. Some children experience considerable muscle/bone pain and some experience none. Pain should never be ignored in this age-group. Always wise to consult a health professional if your teenager is avoiding walking or physical activity. It may be moody rebellion or it may be something more serious

Late Teen Walking

Late teens and early twenties brings more self determination, study and social pressures. Maintaining a walking habit has well documented physical and mental benefits. Dancing however, is considered much more on trend at this stage.

Early to Mid Adulthood Walking

Family life and career is so important in these years. Thankfully walking is perfect at this time. Time a bit tight and can’t get to the gym, money a bit tight and can’t go snow skiing. Walking is always easily and cheaply available. Too cold? Walk around the mall. Too hot? Walk in a swimming pool. Versatility plus!

Older and Much Older Adulthood Walking

Muscle and joint pain can be a huge hurdle for some. Muscle weakness, ill health can all be part of the package deal. Quality walking shoes and avoiding walking on concrete surfaces may be enough to keep you on your feet. Wooden boardwalks, grass or earth paths will acting as shock absorbers are a common choice for people with foot, ankle and knee pain. If unsteadiness is your enemy it may  be time to consider a walking stick or frame. If you feel self conscious about using such aids you have 2 choices – sit down or keep’s up to you.

Off Your Feet  Options

It is true, though, sometimes feet and legs just won’t hold you up. That’s when you need to head into the virtual walking world – also know as armchair walking. You know what I mean. Sitting on a  kitchen style chair (not too high, not too low) get your arms and legs moving. Maybe to 1 song on the radio or for the duration of 1 advertisement on the TV. It’s amazing what one 2 minute song or ad will do for your muscles, joints, circulation and mood

Walking For water lovers

When did you last walk in a swimming pool? Or in the sea against the waves? Time to revisit

Walking for Indoor Enjoyment

Don’t forget the treadmill option

Social Walking

Find a walking buddy. Lost in conversation , walking becomes effortless.

Walk your body into the Healthy person you want to betiptoe walking

It starts with 26 bones, 33 joints, in excess of 100 tendons and ligaments and one step….

Reluctant? Think about the determination of that baby staggers and swaggers until he gets it right. You can do it too.