Unstable Blood Sugar Increases Foot Complications

The amount of glucose in your blood changes throughout each day. After a meal or snack the blood glucose levels rise and then fall after about an hour. The levels are lowest before your first meal of the day, usually breakfast.

Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

It is well known that people who have been diagnosed with diabetes need to be careful to maintain their blood glucose levels within a relatively narrow range. What is less well known is that those without diabetes also need to be careful to reduce their risks of developing diabetes. Healthy blood sugar levels help to reduce the risk of developing diabetes complications.

Diabetes Complications in the Feet and Lower Legs

Diabetes can cause problems with the eyes, heart, kidneys and feet. It is not uncommon for problems in the feet to appear before diabetes is even suspected. Poor blood sugar can cause damage to Nerves, Small blood vessels, Skin, Bone, increase the risk of infection and far too often lead to amputation of part or all of a foot.

Nerve Damage

Symptoms may include

  • Loss of sensation, numbnessdiabetes risk gauge
  • Tingling or pins and needles
  • Burning and contradictory coldness

Small blood vessel Damage

Effects may include:

  • Reduced or cessation of blood flow
  • Leg cramps after walking short distances
  • Foot pain, even when at rest
  • Cold Feet
  • Skin discolouration (blue-red)

Skin, Bone and Infection

Small cuts or pressure areas where there is poor sensation and poor blood flow greatly increases the risk of a slow to heal or non-healing wound. High blood sugar levels further increase the risk of infection. In the worst cases an infection can spread from the wound to the bone beneath. This is a very serious medical issue. Amputation is often required to save life. There are over 4000 diabetes related amputations in Australia, over 7000 in the UK and 73,000 in the USA, annually. It is estimated that 85% of diabetes related amputations are preventable if wounds are noticed early and treated correctly


6 Actions to Reduce your Diabetes Complications Risk

Fruit and Vegetables

#1.   Eat Healthily    read more

#2.   Be physically active     read more

#3.   Avoid excessive weight gain

#4.   Check blood glucose if in doubt

#5.   Follow your doctor’s advice if you need medication to control your blood sugar 

#6.   Have a Comprehensive Foot Health Check

Bottle of water


Tips to Help Control Blood Sugar

  • Experiment with new vegetables
  • Eat at regular intervals and don’t skip meals
  • Perservere drinking water instead of juice or soft drink
  • Choose fruit as a snack instead of lollies